Artikler og rapporter
Navnene til forskerne ved Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for arbeidsrettet rehabilitering er linket til
Irene Øyeflaten, Jon Opsahl, Hege R. Eriksen, Tore Norendal Braathen, Stein Atle Lie, Søren Brage, Camilla M. Ihlebæk and Kyrre Breivik
Subjective health complaints, functional ability, fear avoidance beliefs, and days on sickness benefits after work rehabilitation – a mediation model
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2016 17:225
Thomas Johansen, Arvid Skjerve, Chris Jensen, Winand H. Dittrich & Irene Øyeflaten
Changes in cognitive functioning in sick-listed participants in occupational rehabilitation: A feasibility study
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2016
Anne-Mette Momsen, Rikke Rosbjerg, Christina Stapelfeldt, Thomas Lund, Chris Jensen, Thomas Johansen, Claus Vinther Nielsen og Merete Labriola
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Danish version of the 19-item return-to-work self-efficacy (RTWSE-19) questionnaire
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2016
Momsen AH, Nielsen CV, Nielsen MB, Rugulies R, Jensen C
Work participation and health-related characteristics of sickness absence beneficiaries with multiple somatic symptoms.
Public Health 2015 Dec 21. Epub 2015 des 21
Dyreborg J, Lipscomb HJ, Nielsen K, Olsen O, Kines P, Lund J, Guldenmund F, Törner M, Bengtsen E, Gensby U, Rasmussen K, Zohar D. (2015).
Safety interventions for the prevention of accidents at work: A protocol. Campbell Systematic Reviews.
Maribo T, Schiøttz-Christensen B, Jensen C, Donbæk Jensen L
Risks of permanent disability in low back pain patients associated with different job positions: a 5-year follow-up study.
European Spine Journal 07/2015; DOI:10.1007/s00586-015-4118-4.
Pedersen P, Søgaard HJ, Labriola M, Nohr EA, Jensen C
Effectiveness of psychoeducation in reducing sickness absence and improving mental health in individuals at risk of having a mental disorder: a randomised controlled trial.
BMC Public Health 08/2015; 15:763. DOI:10.1186/s12889-015-2087-5
Roelen CAM, Bultmann U, Stapelfeldt CM, Jensen C, Heymans MW
Multicentre validation of frequent sickness absence predictions. Occupational Medicine 09/2015; DOI:10.1093/occmed/kqv133
Gran JM, Lie SA, Øyeflaten I, Borgan O, Aalen OO.
Causal inference in multi-state models-sickness absence and work for 1145 participants after work rehabilitation
BMC Public Health 2015;15:1082.
Gensby U, Laberge M, MacEachen E.
The role of union and safety representatives in influencing return to work: Their expertise and associated facilities.
Research Protocol presented for the WDPI CIHR Strategic Program executive committee. Dalla Lana Schoolof Public Health, University of Toronto.
Mandal R, Ofte HJ, Jensen C og Ose SO
Hvordan fungerer arbeidsavklaringspenger (AAP) som ytelse og ordning?
Et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom SINTEF og Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for arbeidsrettet rehabilitering. SINTEF.
Braathen TN, Eftedal M, Tellnes G & Haugli L.
Work inclusion: Self-perceived change in work ability among persons in occupational rehabilitation
Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion 2015 [published Mar 27]; doi 10.3402/vgi.v6.26624.
Kvaal A, Gensby U & Eftedal M
Etablering av program for arbeidsrettet rehabilitering i poliklinisk praksis – En implementeringsanalyse
Sluttrapport FARVE
Johansen T & Bugodt N
Utprøving og videreutvikling av verktøy for vurdering av funksjonsnivå og arbeidsevne basert på ICF-kjernesett
Sluttrapport FARVE (Forsøksmidler Arbeid og Velferd)
Øyeflaten I, Midtgraden IJ, Maeland S, Eriksen HR & Magnussen LH
Functioning, coping and work status three years after participating in an interdisciplinary, occupational rehabilitation program
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 04/2014
Braathen TN, Brage S, Tellnes G, Øyeflaten I, Jensen C & Eftedal M
A Prospective Study of the Assosiation Between the Readiness for Return to Work Scale and Future Work Participation in Norway
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 01/2014
Momsen AMH, Jensen OK, Nielsen CV & Jensen C
Multiple somatic symptoms en employees participating in a randomized controlled trial associated with sickness absence due to non-specific low back pain
The Spine Journal, 04/2014
Stapelfeldt CM, Nielsen CV, Andersen NT, Krane L, Borg V, Fleten N & Jensen C
Sick leave patterns as predictors of disability pension or long-term sick leave: A 6.75-year follow-up study in municipal eldercare workers
BMJ Open, 01/2014
Gensby U, Labriola M, Irvin E, Amick BC III & Lund T
A classification of components of workplace disability management programs: results from a systematic review
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (24) 2 220-241, 2014
Braathen TN, Brage S, Tellnes G & Eftedal M
Psychometric Properties of the Readiness for Return to Work Scale in Inpatient Occupational Rehabilitation in Norway
J Occup Rehabil 2013; 23(3):371-80.
Øyeflaten I, Lie SA, Ihlebæk CM & Eriksen HR
Prognostic Factors for Return to Work, Sickness Benefits, and Transitions Between These States: A 4-year Follow-up After Work-Related Rehabilitation
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2013 Aug 9.
Horsboel TA, Nielsen CV, Nielsen B, Jensen C, Andersen NT & de Thurah A
Type of hematological malignancy is crucial for the return to work prognosis: a register-based cohort study
Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 08/2013; (DOI:10.1007/s11764-013-0300-z)
Søgaard HJ, Larsen EL & Jensen C
Anvendelse af psykiatrifaglig viden i beskæftigelsesindsatsen begrænser ikke længden af sygefraværet. The application of psychiatric knowledge in the rehabilitation process in return to work does not reduce sickness absence
Ugeskrift for Læger. Accepted July 17, 2013
Bjoernshave B, Korsgaard J, Jensen C & Nielsen CV
Pulmonary rehabilitation in clinical routine-A follow-up study
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 08/2013 (DOI:10.2340/16501977-1199)
Krane L, Fleten N, Stapelfeldt CM, Nielsen CV, Jensen C, Johnsen R & Braaten T
Comparison of sick leave patterns between Norway and Denmark in the health and care sector: A register study
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 06/2013; (DOI:10.1177/1403494813491030)
Stapelfeldt CM, Nielsen CV, Trolle N, Krane L, Fleten N, Borg V & Jensen C
Are environmental characteristics in the municipal eldercare, more closely associated with frequent short sick leave spells among employees than with total sick leave: a cross-sectional study
BMC Public Health. 06/2013; 13(1):578. (DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-13-578)
Jensen OK, Pedersen KS, Jensen C & Nielsen CV
Prediction model for unsuccessful return to work after hospital-based intervention in low back pain patients
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 04/2013; 14(1):140 (DOI:10.1186/1471-2474-14-140)
Jensen C, Nielsen CV, Jensen OK & Petersen KD
Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit of a multidisciplinary intervention compared to a brief intervention to facilitate return to work in sick-listed low-back pain patients
Spine. 02/2013; (DOI:10.1097/BRS.0b013e31828ca0af)
Larsen EL, Nielsen CV & Jensen C
Getting the pain right: How low back pain patients manage and express their pain experiences
Disability and Rehabilitation. May 2013, Vol. 35, No. 10: 819–827 (doi:10.3109/09638288.2012.709302)
Andersen JH, Labriola M, Lund T & Hansen CD
Development of health and depressive symptoms among Danish adolescents – socioeconomic differences and effects of life-style
Open J Prev Med. Vol.3, No.1, 104-110 2013
Johansen T & Dittrich WH
Cognitive performance in a subclinical obsessive-compulsive sample 1: Cognitive functions
Psychiatry Journal, Article ID 565191, 10 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/565191
Dittrich WH & Johansen T
Cognitive deficits of executive functions and decision-making in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54(5), 393-400
Dittrich WH, Johansen T, Trotter K, Dawes H & Kischka U
Pointing and the interference effect in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54(3), 222-229
Dittrich WH, Johansen T, Metcalfe L & Landrø NI
Cognitive performance and specific deficits in OCD symptom dimensions: IV. Impairments in manual movement control
German Journal of Psychiatry, 15(1), 32-40
Gensby U, Lund T, Kowalski K, Saidj M, Klint Jørgensen A-M, Filges T, Erwin E, Amick BC & Labriola M
Workplace disability management programs promoting return-to-work. A systematic review
Campbell Systematic Reviews 2012:17. Review
Biering K, Hjøllund NH & Lund T
Methods in Measuring Return to Work: A Comparison of Measures of Return to Work Following Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease
J Occup Rehabil. 2012 Nov 25.
Merkus S, van Drongelen A, Holte KA, Labriola M, Lund T, van Mechelen W & van der Beek AJ
The Association between Shift Work and Sick Leave: A Systematic Review
Occup Environ Med. 2012 Oct;69(10):701-12. Epub 2012 Jul 5.
Faber A, Sell L, Hansen J, Burr H, Lund T, Holtermann A & Søgaard K
Does Muscle Strength Predict Future Musculoskeletal Disorders and Sick Leave?
Occup Med (Lond). 2012 Jan;62(1):41-6
Jensen C, Jensen OK & Nielsen CV
Sustainability of return to work in sick-listed employees with low-back pain. Two-year follow-up in a randomised clinical trial comparing multidisciplinary and brief intervention
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2012, 13:156. (DOI: 10.1186/1471-2474-13-156)
Stapelfeldt CM, Jensen C, Andersen NT, Fleten N & Nielsen CV
Validation of sick leave measures: self-reported sick leave and sickness benefit data from a Danish national register compared to multiple workplace-registered sick leave spells in a Danish municipality
BMC Public Health. 2012 Aug 15;12(1):661
Biering K, Hjøllund NH & Lund T
Methods in Measuring Return to Work: A Comparison of Measures of Return to Work Following Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease
Journal of Occupational rehabilitation. November 2012
Øyeflaten I, Lie SA, Ihlebaek CM & Eriksen HR
Multiple transitions in sick leave, disability benefits, and return to work. – A4-year follow-up of patients participating in a work-related rehabilitation program
BMC Public Health. September 2012
Merkus SL, van Drongelen A, Holte KA, Labriola M, Lund T, van Mechelen W & van der Beek AJ
The association between shift work and sick leave:a systematic review
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (online first). 5. juli, 2012
Andersen Ø, Eftedal M & Kvaal A
Mer helhetlig samhandling mellom spesialisthelsetjenesten, kommunene, Nav og fastlegene innenfor arbeidsrettet rehabilitering Økt oppfølging av brukere under og etter et døgnbasert arbeidsrettet rehabiliteringsprogram
Eftedal M & Aasland GE
Effekt av arbeidsrettet rehabilitering. Utvikling av faglig innhold i en poliklinisk kortintervensjon. Forstudie til en randomisert kontrollert studie (pdf)
Kortversjon av rapporten (pdf)
Øyeflaten I
Subjektivitet ved sykmelding
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, nr. 13-14, 1. juli 2011
Haugli L, Maeland S & Magnussen LH
What Facilitates Return to Work? Patients Experiences 3 Years after Occupational Rehabilitation
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 26. March 2011
Strupstad JH, Ihlebæk C, Øyeflaten I & Espnes GA
Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering i Norge – en komparativ studie av Hernes Institutt og Rehabiliteringssenteret AiR
Utposten nr 3, 2011 (Fulltekst)
Øyeflaten I, Gabriele JM, Fisher EB & Eriksen HR
Social support and subjective health complaints in occupational rehabilitation
International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, August 2010, Vol 17, No 8, page 424-434
Haugli L
Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering i Norge i dag – hvor står vi og hvor går vi?
Utposten nr 4, 2010
Øyeflaten I, Lie SA, Ihlebæk C, Brage S & Eriksen H
Comparison of self-reported and register data on sickness absence among Norwegian patients participating in an occupational rehabilitation program
Norsk Epidemiologi 2009:19 (2): 161-7
Øyeflaten I, Kvaal A & Fundli SS
Tverrfaglige modeller for kartlegging av funksjonsevne innen institusjonsbasert arbeidsrettet rehabilitering. Rapport, 2009 (Fulltekst)
Bendiksen T & Haavorsen H (fase 1), Norendal Braathen T, Lurås Te & Dale T (fase 2)
Forbedring av samhandlingen mellom Attføringssenteret i Rauland (AiR), Nav og Attføringsbedriftene – et pilotprosjekt for å styrke deltakernes jobbmuligheter («Raulands-prosjektet») (pdf)
Sluttrapport FARVE (Forsøksmidler ARbeid og VElferd). 2009 (Fulltekst)
Øyeflaten I, Hysing M & Eriksen H
Prognostic factors associated with return to work following multidiciplinary vocational rehabilitation
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2008: 40: 548 – 554
Braathen Norendal T, Veiersted KB & Heggenes J
Improved work ability and return to work following vocational multidisciplinary rehabilitation of subjects on long-term sick leave
J Rehabil Med. 2007 Jun;39(6):493-9
Haugli L & Steen E
Når livet setter seg i kroppen – livsstyrketrening som del av arbeidsrettet rehabilitering
I Erlend Hem (Redaktør), Per Vaglum (Redaktør), Live Fyrand(Redaktør) m.fl. Pasienten og sykdommen – psykiske faktorer ved somatisk sykdom.
Gyldendal Akademisk, 2007
Øyeflaten I, Lie SA, Ihlebæk C, Brage S & Eriksen HR
Selvrapportert sykefravær eller registerdata? – Selvrapporterte opplysninger om arbeids- og sykmeldingsforhold og samsvar med registerdata fra Nav trygd (pdf)
Sluttrapport FARVE (Forsøksmidler ARbeid & VElferd). Desember 2007 (Fulltekst)
Berg JE, Berg O, Reiten T & Kostveit S
Functional diagnosis as a tool in rehabilitation: a comparison of teachers and other employees
Int J Rehabil Res. 1998 Sep;21(3):273-84